Thursday, 19 April 2012

Level twooooooooooo

Wow!! Just got back from a level 2 Vinyasa class and I feel wonderful. It completely challenged me but the instructor was fantastic. I am completely head over heels for the way yoga makes me feel. I have had a particularly difficult afternoon with my 3 children and the class really shifted my focus, put things into perspective and the closing meditation (in complete silence) was invigorating.

I feel like I need to read about nutrition as well. I feel as though i am letting myself down with what I am putting into my body, which feels like a contradiction at the moment.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

breaking it down

I have been reading up on the four paths of yoga; Jnana,Karma,Bhakti and Raja. It is interesting that when Yoga is mentioned,largely in the western world, the physical postures are immediately brought to mind. It is what a lot of people know Yoga to be. I have quickly becoming increasingly aware that the postures are really only a small component of Yoga.. perhaps we should be calling it posture Class? :) I have so much to learn about the four paths and am keen to find a book to assist with my learning. Will have to return to the reading list. Can't wait for the second workshop on Sunday!!

Daily Mantra

Monday, 16 April 2012

Daily Mantra

Finding a happy place

The last two Classes I have been to have really allowed me to focus on my breathing. I have come to realise using my breath is what helps me to maintain focus, move peacefully through the postures and push myself to my edge by breathing into the sensations. I am so enjoying my practice and using mediation daily has started to become a lovely personal space for me and a real compliment to the Asanas. I still struggle to fully still my mind in meditation but hope that this will improve with time. I have been using mini Mantras at the start of the day to set myself up for the day. Today as I walked the kids up to school it was "I am calm, confident and centred".I am keen to read more about the metaphysical aspects of Yoga and a little deeper into the history of Yoga.

 On another note, I watched a Vinyasa flow sequence done on the beach today and was really inspired. How beautiful to do Yoga to the sounds of the ocean.